29 HAZ İ RAN 2021 Eğlenerek Öğreniyoruz Aktiviteleri We are Learning While Having Fun Öğrencilerimiz beden eğitimi derslerinde; 1, 2, 3, 4 ve 5. sınıflarda Quiz Show, Wordwall, Workout, animasyonlar ve Just Dans çalışmalarıyla dersleri interaktif bir biçimde eğlenerek gerçekleştirdi. 1, 2, 3ve 4. sınıflarda Beden Eğitimi bölümü liderliğinde öğrencilerimiz, hafta içi her gün öğle teneffüslerinde hareket eğitimi ve eğlenceli parkur çalışmaları yaparak pandemi döneminde bilinçli oyun kültürünü hem eğlenerek hem de yaşayarak öğrendiler. The Department of Physical Education completed various activities, such as Quiz Show, Wordwall, Workout, Animations with our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. The students did not only have fun but also learned by participating in our Just Dance classes interactively. During the pandemic period, our 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders learned the game culture both by having fun and living. They didmovement training and fun track exercises every weekday during lunch breaks under the leadership of the Physical Education department.