37 HAZ İ RAN 2021 Seramik Çalışması Bayram karantinası sırasında Media and Journalism Kulübü 9. sınıf öğrencisi Ece Harput, “Seramik Atölyesi” düzenledi. İki oturumdan oluşan etkinlik Türkiye’nin her yerinden katılımcılara açık olarak gerçekleşti. Kile şekil vermek ve onları boyamak üzerine planlanan iki oturum da oldukça başarılı geçti ve katılımcılardan olumlu geri bildirimler aldı. International Journalism Pottery Workshop On May 12th, 2021, Çevre Media and Journalism had the honor to interview with the editor of Youth Journalism International Jackie Majerus. They had a fruitful talk and sharing on how to express their thoughts as young journalists and the difficulties in being able to make your point across. The students had a glimpse on the international journalism life. This talk has left our students inspired and hopeful as young journalists. During the bayram lockdown Ece Harput, 9th grade student, artistic inter at Media and Journalism organized and conducted a Pottery Workshop. This event was open to all participants from all around Turkey. The workshop included two sessions; first one was giving shapes to clay and in the second painting them. Both sessions were a success and received many encouraging feedback.