87 OCAK 2024 Our Republic is 100 Years Old Çevre College celebrated the 100th anniversary of our Republic with a magnificent ceremony that truly befitted its name, and with a festive spirit that resonated throughout the school. The ceremony took place in the schoolyard on Sunday evening, October 29, with the participation of our general manager Şebnem Gönen. The performances meticulously prepared by Çevre College students were presented in a grand production. The enthusiasm and pride for the Republic, which began with the students carrying the poster of Atatürk and the giant flag in the march procession, continuedwith the performances displayed on the screen in the schoolyard. The drama depicting the process leading to the Republic, folk dances, waltzes, and modern dance performances were among the most magnificent moments of the ceremony. The Pulse flag team performances and the performances of our high school choir accompanied by our guest artist Ozan Kutlar received great applause from the audience. Çevre College students, who vowed to build a bright future in the spiritual presence of Atatürk, provided emotional and prideful moments for everyone watching the ceremony. As the confetti rained down in the final moments of the ceremony, there was the same excitement and pride on everyone’s face, and the same sentence on everyone’s lips: ‘Long live the Republic.’ With the rightful pride of having carried out another magnificent ceremony that will not be erased from memories, as Çevre College, here’s to many more hundreds of years on the path illuminated by Atatürk...”